Did you know that 76% of companies in the manufacturing industry worldwide prioritized preventive maintenance in 2020?

If you own a business, you know that keeping your equipment running smoothly is no easy task. Many preventable problems can occur and interrupt your normal operation.

Whether the issue is large, critical, or minor, delays are costly for your business. Although businesses are working harder than ever, they’re making simple mistakes that could cost them dearly.

This article explores some of the most common equipment maintenance errors that businesses make. Keep reading to ensure your business stays safe and avoids massive catastrophes.

1. Not Testing the Equipment Before Use

Neglecting to check the equipment beforehand can lead to disaster. This issue can become a bigger problem and can lead to accidents, damages, or lost time and money.

To avoid this, set up checklists and processes to follow before using any equipment. Have workers inspect all parts of the machines for any damage that might prevent them from running correctly.

2. Failure to Document Maintenance Activities

Documenting maintenance activities ensures that equipment maintenance is performed. It also serves as a reference in the event of any future concerns or issues.

Track maintenance activities such as corrective and preventive actions, work orders, and inspections. It is also important to organize the documents and store them in an easy-to-access area. This ensures that necessary reference material is accessible for future use.

3. Failing to Properly Lubricate the Equipment

This is a task that is often overlooked. Poor lubrication can cause equipment to wear faster and break down sooner than expected.

To avoid this, machines must be properly lubricated on a regular basis. This means regular oil changes and an inspection of any accessible moving parts for proper lubrication.

Use lubricants that are specifically designed for the type of equipment. It should also be applied according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

4. Failure to Use Predictive Maintenance Solutions

Predictive maintenance is a proactive approach to maintenance. It identifies potential equipment failures before they happen. This allows for preventive actions to correct the conditions.

It integrates real-time monitoring and machine learning technology to help identify abnormal patterns. This enables organizations to plan and schedule preventative maintenance. It also helps to reduce downtime and optimize workflows.

5. Not Replacing Parts Regularly

Failing to replace parts on a regular basis can lead to costly repairs or a complete breakdown of the equipment. For example, if a fuel filter is not replaced regularly, it can lead to insufficient fuel available to the engine. This results in decreased performance or engine failure.

Regularly replacing parts ensures greater system reliability and extends the lifespan of the equipment. This can prevent unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs. It’s also important to have regular equipment inspections of worn parts and replace them with parts of the right quality.

Knowing the Common Equipment Maintenance Errors

Maintaining equipment is one of the most important aspects of running a business. By avoiding common equipment maintenance errors, businesses can increase productivity and reduce the chances of costly repairs.

Taking the proper precautions can save your business time, money, and resources. Start by creating a preventative maintenance plan today and put it into your equipment maintenance routine.

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By Manali

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